7 ways to stay motivated while coding

Priyanka Das
3 min readMay 19, 2021


Coding is something which we developers love doing but at times it can be really tiring and exhaustive to keep yourself motivated. Websites or any application usually contains thousands of lines of codes. Coding can at times be monotonous as well but we need to keep ourselves motivated and focus on the goal of completing the project. I have drafted few steps below which helps me to stay motivated.

Step 1 : Set a firm goal

Setting goal can help you to have a clear and determined mindset. So even if you get demotivated the passion to achieve your goal will help you to keep pushing your limits.

Step 2: Start learning new things

Learning new things helps you to grow and update yourself. Learning new things is definitely a food for brain to stay active and motivated.

All great achievers are generally life long learners

Step 3: Be consistent

Break down your tasks into smaller and achievable sub tasks. Whenever you will finish a task, it will give you the motivation to chase the next one.

Persistence is the key to success

Step 4: Netflix and chill

Take breaks sometimes to refresh your mind. Give yourself a day off. Enjoy some movies or go out and party or do whatever you like.

Step 5: Find a mentor

Mentors are people who help you guide you and keep you on track. Being clueless about your work can extremely demotivate you. So don’t hesitate to talk to someone who is experienced in that field and take tips from them.

Step 6: Join a community

A peer group with similar interest can definitely help you to stay connected and dedicated to the work you are doing. Discussing things among the group can help you get different views and insights which will be very useful.

If you want to get connected to a commmunity check out our community at Instagram Skill Self where you can connect to people of tech background and with similar interest as yours and grow together. Also checout our Youtube channel Skill Self

Step 7: Believe in yourself

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Priyanka Das

Instructor at Udemy. 6+ years of experience in Web Development. Machine Learning Enthusiast.